Rabu, 11 Maret 2015 08:58

PT. KPC Sangatta Kembali Buka Lowongan Kerja

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PT. Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) Sangatta kembali membuka lowongan untuk alumni Politeknik Negeri Samarinda. Kali ini Tradesperson Electrical dan Tradesperson Mechanical telah di siapkan untuk anda para profesional. Batas akhir pendaftaran tanggal 27 Maret 2015.



Job Title : Tradesperson – Mechanical FP

Grade : B

Reporting to : Supervisor – Maintenance

Status : Indonesian, Fixed Term

Interested candidates must discuss their intention with their respective Manager prior to lodging on application. Successful candidate of the same grade is regarded as a job transfer A vacancy exists within the Power Project & Electrical Support Department for the position of Tradesperson – Mechanical FP. Those who are interested in and meet the requirement for this

Key elements of the position include:

• Participate and obey all directions of the implementation Prima Nirbhaya system, commit to execute

• Maintain and restore mechanical components of equipment in power station to enable good operation

• Modify equipment and install auxiliary mechanical component(s) as supplement to improve equipment

• Maintain equipment by performing regular checking on GenSet outside power station, such as at the crusher (processing); water bore (drilling); clinic; and senior, junior and Tanjung Bara camps to make sure that the equipment are in good working condition.

• Maintain separator (purifier) for clean and separation debris.

• Maintain, restore, modify and supplement equipment's components at the power station once a year (by performing a shutdown) to ascertain good working equipment in the following year.

• Perform supplementary work, such as welding, steel fabricating; pipe fitting and housekeeping to support the continuity of the work.

• Attend weekly meeting (by turns) and monthly meeting to discuss about general safety.


• Minimum D3 Mechanical or High school or STM (Technical High school) graduate with minimum 5 years

• Possess knowledge of English Language sufficient to read manuals of new equipment.

• Able to read and understand equipment diagrams and the construction, especially those in the field of

• A sound understanding of the KPC Isolation Procedures.

• Possess skills in welding, pipe fitting, steel structure, mechanical skill and mill wright.

• Have attended training in trouble shooting, especially those relate to mechanical problems.

Application should be addressed to Recruitment Section (Alamat email ini dilindungi dari robot spam. Anda memerlukan Javascript yang aktif untuk melihatnya.), no later than 27 March 2015


Job Title : Tradesperson – Electrical FP

Grade : B

Reporting to : Supervisor – Maintenance

Status : Indonesian, Fixed Term

Interested candidates must discuss their intention with their respective Manager prior to lodging on application. Successful candidate of the same grade is regarded as a job transfer A vacancy exists within the Power Project & Electrical Support Department for the position of Tradesperson – Electrical FP. Those who are interested in and meet the requirement for this position are invited to apply.

Key elements of the position include:

• Participate and obey all directions of the implementation Prima Nirbhaya system, commit to execute for gaining the free accident.

• Monitor Condition of instruments, control systems and drives and carry out scheduled maintenance and repairs as required, on 16MW Turbine/Diesel (Alternator), Power Station, (2 x 5 MW Steam Turbine + 3 x 2.3 MW Diesel).

• Perform inspection and calibration of control equipment (e.g. Pressure Gauge, Current Amplifier Transmitter, Level Transmitter, Temperature Transmitter, Pressure Switch, Temperature Switch, Limit Switch, Motor Pump Oil Batteries) to maintain accuracy of the equipment.

• Check, maintain, and clean Circuit Breakers (Contact Circuit, Distant Contact, Battery Connection and Water) in 11 Substations in KPC to maintain proper operation of Circuit Breakers.

• Perform inspection and maintenance of lighting, batteries, and solar cells of marine signals to maintain proper operation of the signals.

• Perform inspection and maintenance of 6 small power generators (for emergency purposes) in KPC to maintain readiness for use.

• Perform shut down of the boiler and turbine every year to check and service all of the instruments and electric system.

• Perform inspection of cells in the Chlorination System to ensure that the chlorine level is maintained at its specified limits.

• Check fire pumps in Power Station, Cooling Water station, and port to maintain readiness.

• Repair rotable spare/unit and send back to store.


• Minimum D3 Electrical or High school (STM Listrik) graduate with 5 years’ experience in power

• Trained in Transformer, Protection, hand tools, OPJD (Basic and Advanced), Welding and Switching.

• Possess knowledge of English Language sufficient to read manuals of new equipment.

• Possess sound logic to solve problem.

• Possess appropriate driver’s licenses to operate light vehicle and some equipment necessary for this

• A sound understanding of the KPC Isolation Procedures.

• Have attended training courses on Blue Print Reading, CPR, Instrument, PLC, PUIL (General Regulation of Electrical Installation) issued by PLN (State-owned company for electricity), Tagging Procedure, and Control Schemes.

Application should be addressed to Recruitment Section (Alamat email ini dilindungi dari robot spam. Anda memerlukan Javascript yang aktif untuk melihatnya.), no later than 27 March 2015

Read 15552 times Last modified on Rabu, 11 Maret 2015 09:20
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